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External hemorrhoids elicit symptoms caused by acute thrombosis, recurring thromboses, or personal hygiene problems. Acute and recurrent thromboses are managed by identifying the offending vascular cluster with the use of local anesthetic in the doctor's office or other clinical setting. External hemorrhoids cause pain and bleeding . When a external hemorrhoid has a blood clot lodged within it, a thrombosed external hemorrhoid is present. They lie outside the anal opening. Both kinds can be present at the same time.

These type are located in the lower anal canal. These are usually removed with surgery. It can be applied to second-stage hemorrhoids which have failed . External hemorrhoids are asymptomatic occurs except when secondary thrombosis. However, some patients with non-thrombosed hemorrhoids may complain of pruritus ani or itching, swelling, and burning sensation.

Blood may appear on toilet paper, in the toilet bowl or on the surface of the stool. Sometimes mucus is also seen on toilet paper or stool. Blood from hemorrhoids is bright red in color and great debility co-exists. Blood clots within an anal blood vessel and ulcerated swollen strangulated hemorrhoids can be readily diagnosed on inspection of the rectum. usually a anusol preparation for bleeding hemorrhoids or a Examination after straining at stool or a phosphate enema often reveals the extent of a person's hemorrhoidal pain and condition.

Hemorrhoids are a 'modern' day disease that is widespread in both males and females. They are also the most common anorectic area disease around and almost 70% of adult population has it.

Sounds like fun doesn't it?! Well if you have never heard of this procedure read on and perhaps ask your doctor if it might be something to consider if you have horrible trouble with your hemorrhoids. Your health insurance may even cover it!

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Definition of Hemorrhoid Banding

This is a procedure to remove hemorrhoids, which are enlarged and bulging blood vessels in the anus and lower rectum. Banding cuts off the blood circulation to hemorrhoids, causing them to shrink and fall off.

Parts of the Body Involved

Hemorrhoid banding is done at the rectum and anus.

Reasons for Procedure

Hemorrhoid banding is used to treat painful, swollen hemorrhoids. More than one hemorrhoid can be banded at the same time. The procedure is most often performed for the following reasons:

Severely bleeding hemorrhoids

Severely painful hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid containing a blood clot (called thrombosed hemorrhoid)

Hemorrhoids that protrude through the anus (called prolapsed hemorrhoids)

Risk Factors for Complications During the Procedure

Banding is not recommended for hemorrhoids that protrude and remain outside of the body.

External hemorrhoids may become thrombosed when blood clots develop inside the lump itself. This can make the lump extremely sensitive from irritation caused by any activity, even walking or sitting. External hemorrhoids, and some prolapsed internal hemorrhoids, are removed by conventional surgery in a hospital . Depending on the circumstances, this requires a local, regional, or general anesthetic. External hemorrhoids are kind of default hemorrhoids. When we talk about hemorrhoid problems, EH are usually what we mean.

Hemorrhoids are most commonly known as “piles”. The person affected will experience itching, pain or bleeding of swollen tissues within the anal canal that contain blood vessels. Most people considered hemorrhoids are abnormal, as they are present in almost everyone.

Many people suffer from hemorrhoids to some degree or other. The older you are the more likely you are to suffer from hemorrhoids. This does not mean that young people and children cannot get them.

Although the state of Hemorrhoids can be extremely unpleasant and painful for most people, fortunately, today they can be easily treated and in most cases they can be prevented taking timely treatment.

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Sometimes, the condition of hemorrhoids may get worse as time goes by, medical professionals say they should be treated as soon as they appear and effective treatment for hemorrhoids can be given if due attention is given from the beginning when it was diagnosed.

There are two types of Hemorrhoids widely known, which can appear both internally and externally of the anus.

Internal hemorrhoids occur when there is too much pressure on the internal hemorrhoidal veins. The only sign that internal hemorrhoids exist is bright-red blood that appears frequently in the toilet bowl or on the toilet paper. Pain is not usually common with internal hemorrhoids, unless a blood clot forms or an infection occurs.

The external hemorrhoidal veins around the anus can also become swollen, causing external hemorrhoids.

General Known Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

Many anal problems like fissures, fistulae, abscesses, or irritation and itching have similar symptoms to hemorrhoids and can be incorrectly referred to as such. Hemorrhoids usually are not dangerous or life threatening. Most likely, the symptoms simply go away within a few days. However, symptoms many eventually return, worse than occurred before.

An internal hemorrhoid may protrude through the anus outside the body, becoming irritated and painful. This is known as a protruding hemorrhoid. Internal hemorrhoids, which lie inside the rectum, usually have no symptoms and therefore the patient may not be aware they have them as they do not generally cause any discomfort.

If you experience any of the symptoms, as referred above related to hemorrhoids, it would be advisable to consult your doctor and take proper medication.

Ways to get rid of Hemorrhoids

Medical treatment of hemorrhoids is aimed initially at relieving symptoms. However, some measures to reduce symptoms are the following:

Warm tub baths several times a day in plain, warm water for about 10 minutes is a good idea.

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Preventing of the recurrence of hemorrhoids will require relieving the pressure and straining of constipation. Doctors will often recommend increasing fiber and water or fluids in the diet. Eating the right amount of fiber and drinking six to eight glasses of water/fluid will result in lessens the pressure on hemorrhoids caused by straining.

Even when your hemorrhoids itch you will need to resist the urge to scratch it. Scratching can result in infections and may trigger severe harm towards the region.

A number of methods may be used to remove or reduce the size of hemorrhoids such as painless non-surgical techniques, lasers for hemorrhoids, harmonic scalpel for hemorrhoids, and the use of hemorrhoid medications.

Consumption of a hemorrhoidal supplement or application of a hemorrhoidal cream or suppository to the affected area can bring relief for a limited time.

Exercise and other physical activities including walking and jogging, and eating a high fiber diet, help reduce constipation. Good sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that will help to keep your bowls regular and relieving the pressure and straining of constipation in your daily life.

Millions of people suffer from the painful condition hemorrhoids and this is more as a result from unhealthy eating habits than anything else. It is a fact that many people lack sufficient fiber in their diets and most people do not eat natural foods like fruits, grains and vegetables. Constipation develops from this and you strain to pass a stool. What happens is that you will get hemorrhoids or piles which another name is given for this condition. It can be very painful and when it gets serious you can even start bleeding from the rectum. Hemorrhoids are mainly caused by constipation which causes you to over exert your self when you go to the toilet to pass a stool. Fast foods in today's fast paced 21st century lifestyles mean more and more people are suffering from piles. There is a natural cure for hemorrhoids which is far better than expensive surgery and medication and when you have cured your condition it is sensible changing your eating habits and lifestyle as well.

Natural cure for hemorrhoids is the best

The local pharmacy will offer you many over the counter medications that will help relive the symptoms of piles but they may not completely heal the condition. Relieving itching and swelling are just the first step to treating hemorrhoids but it is best to invest in a completely natural cure for hemorrhoids and then afterwards take steps to make sure that you do not suffer from piles again. Some hemorrhoid treatments have side affects and allergic reactions so it is important to follow the instructions carefully. Fortunately, there's a new natural cure for hemorrhoids that offers fast and effective relief and even complete healing of piles. This is a far better option than just trying everything you find at the chemist until hopefully something works.

Invest in a natural treatment for hemorrhoids

If you want to find out what the best natural cure for hemorrhoids is then you will find that this product has the ultimate solution and being a homeopathic product is completely safe top use as well. The product is known as Venapro; which is an all natural cure for hemorrhoids, and by following the instructions of this sensational cure for hemorrhoids carefully, you can look forward to soothing relief and eventually your piles will be completely gone!

Venapro has completely natural ingredients, and is an herbal treatment for piles that works from within. Because it comes available in a capsule form it is painless and easy to follow the course. To top it all off it is a natural cure for hemorrhoids so there should be no side effects from it either. If you use this sensational formula then you do not have to suffer taking suppositories or using ineffective messy creams that stain your underwear.

Follow Sensible tips for the Prevention of hemorrhoids

If the pain of hemorrhoids is extreme and you are bleeding from your rectum, then you should consult with a doctor immediately. Natural cures for hemorrhoids must only be used when the nature of the hemorrhoids is not serious and more uncomfortable than anything else. Prevention of piles is better than cure and this means starting by changing your diet into one that is healthy. Avoid processed and fast foods, eat plenty of natural foods, and do not strain to pass a stool. Invest in a natural cure for hemorrhoids that really works and you can rest assured that Venapro certainly is the best. This product stands behind results with a money back guarantee and to provide even more value the first two months supply is completely free. Get a natural cure for hemorrhoids and watch it provide you with amazing results.

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